“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matthew 25:45
Karl giving the gospel before handing out food in Ti Anse |
During the later part of April, the campus at Ti Lagon was blessed to have three guys from Global Compassion Ministries come to do their quarterly food distribution. Karl Leiber, Jerry Lantz, Layne Konneman, along with Christopher a translator. We were also joined for the week with our good friend Linda Blankenship.
Children at Philadelphia in NW Haiti |
As with so many things in Haiti, their trip took many unexpected turns. Being the seasoned veterans that they are, they took each turn gracefully! They always knew the Lord was in charge and they looked for the lesson and direction each time. If I remember correctly, they had 3 flat tiers in less than a week. Gail and I were fortunate to be along when they flattened number 2&3. But as in all situations, the Lord provided and we were back on the road in short order.
Karl leading a prayer in the church at Philadelphia |
Global Compassion Ministries currently distributes food to 7 villages. Three villages come by boat, some come by donkey and a few get it delivered to them. On this trip, they reached out to a new village, so you might say they have 8 villages now! We took them to a village called Philadelphia. It's a small village with only one or two hundred people living around it. They weren't expecting us, but it has been a place Gail and I have started going to regularly. They were so happy to receive clothing items and food.
I asked the pastor if Karl could give the message on Sunday. He was very excited about having a guest preacher. So, on Sunday Karl spoke. Their church is a cement block building with a tin roof and a couple holes for widows. The pastor told us the day before that we need to know that not everybody that comes to church is a Christian. I told him it's no different in the States! Jerry also gave a brief message and was well received. It was a blessing to be a part of their church service.
Jerry giving a brief message |
Gail and I are currently back in the States for a few more weeks. We are in prayer for what the Lord will have for us in the future. Please join us in prayer for strength and direction while serving Him. There is no better place to be than in His will! I'm reminded of Psalm 63:1
Psalm 63:1
1 You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
where there is no water.
A group photo from the village of Philadelphia, NW Haiti |
Thank you for your support. We greatly appreciate it and we keep you in our prayers as well!
In His Service,
Chuck & Gail Guerber
Ti Lagon, Haiti