
Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Year, New Focus!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Dear family and friends,
Hut along the road to the northwest
It was with your support and Proverbs 3:5-6 in our hearts that Gail and I went to Haiti the fall of 2014. After nearly 9 months of living in a remote area, we returned to the States. The lessons learned were priceless and sometimes painful! But our Lord kept us in His plan. Relationships were built, lessons were learned, hearts softened, physical conditions eased, and the gospel of Jesus Christ was preached. This wouldn’t have been possible without the prayers and financial support you gave. We give thanks to God for all of you!
Eating after food distribution
We now move forward. Grace Hill Ministries, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, was established in 2014 as a way for Gail and I to raise support in order to live in Haiti. We have now changed its focus from raising support for us, to being a ‘working’ ministry. The funds raised will be put toward expanding His Kingdom in a variety of ways.

Grace Hill Ministries now has an active board of directors that will guide the ministries direction, finances, and projects. The board currently consists of the following: Gail, myself, Dr Neal and Dr LeaAnn Schroeter, Ken and Mary Challis, Clint and Sidney Mabie.  But please know that this ministry is open to everyone that would like to participate. Your voice is important to us! With experienced medical and construction personal on board, we are looking to come alongside remote and neglected people groups, sharing the compassion of Christ and the message of His salvation.

Clinic that needs a new roof!
To start, we are focusing on 3 objectives in a remote village called Boukan Patriyo, Northwest Haiti. I’ll call them the 3 C’s; Church, Clinic, and Community.
1. Church:  We are researching how to best come alongside a struggling church body. There is a wonderful pastor in place that is looking to retire. The congregation appears to be shrinking and isn’t big enough to pay a wage, so he has gone without pay for years. It’s rather difficult to place a new pastor there with no pay! We are in contact with the leadership of the church to see how best we can help the church body.

Food distribution
Kids on box of 'Kids Against Hunger' food
2. Clinic:  The village has a small, one nurse clinic. Dr’s Neal & LeaAnn have been working with Gracious, the nurse, for the past year. We have been able to bring medical supplies, medicines, testing equipment and procedures, along with ongoing training to help support her and the needs of the community. We are planning to take a smart   phone to her so she will have access to doctors and medical advice here in the States.
The roof on the clinic needs to be replaced. It’s terrible! So our first goal is to raise enough money to replace it. By the grace of God, we have raised enough to purchase the lumber and tin, but we need approximately $4,000 - $4,500 more to purchase screws, nails, tools, plywood, cement, and transportation. Once the funding is in place, we can set a date to go over and make the roof happen! If anyone is interested in joining Ken and me, please let us know. We could use the help! Included with the roof project, we would also like to repair the existing cement cistern alongside the building. It doesn’t hold water. Plus the patchwork gutter system is non functional. We hope to repair these as funds allow.

3. Community:  After meeting with local leaders, it was evident that the number one community need is access to water. There is a small stream at the base of the hill a distance away, but it is dirty and unreliable. We are currently researching economical ways of putting PVC gutters on huts and capturing the rain into either cisterns or barrels. We would like to see a small group go over this summer to work on this. Let us know if you would like to join us!

I plan to continue going to Haiti 6-8+ times per year as the Lord directs and funds allow. There is much to accomplish in His name!  This will also include helping with the quarterly food distribution trips with ‘Kids Against Hunger’. Anyone interested in joining me?
Cistern at the clinic that needs repair
We thank God for the support you have shown us in the past. We pray that you will consider continuing your support going forward. There is much more in the planning stages! To include: the possibilities of working with the Syrian refugees in Turkey, and to help rebuild a remote village in Nepal.  As some of you know, Dr’s Neal & LeaAnn have family sharing the gospel in each of these two locations.

We encourage you to come along side us, whether in prayer, financial support, or joining us on a trip! However the Lord directs. Truly, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
In His Service,

Chuck & Gail Guerber
Grace Hill Ministries
P.O. Box 171
Pastor (far left) received much needed food for the community
Ironwood, MI  49938
Contact: US:  906.285.2500
Haiti: 590.4753.0270
PS. Grace Hill Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your financial gifts are tax deductible when giving directly to Grace Hill Ministries. Thank you and God bless!