
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Thank You ‘Kids Against Hunger’

Psalm 106
Praise the LORD.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

 As the Psalmist states, 'his love endures forever'. Wow! Just think of that for a while! Amazing. We should always be giving thanks to the Lord!
Unloading the bulk food
Thank You ‘Kids Against Hunger’
Working on one of five food packing lines
We give thanks to the Lord for being able to pack food with ‘Kids Against Hunger’ last Saturday, October 17th. Four couples from the St Louis MO area came all the way up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to make it happen. The Range Community Bible Church raised the money and sponsored the event. There were over 60 people that participated in packing 20,000 meals to be shipped to the Northwest of Haiti. These meals will be shipped along with approx 250,000 other meals. All total, they will fill a 40 ft shipping container. We will be in Haiti to distribute it once it arrives.

All ages helped out!
There was good fellowship along with a joyful attitude during the 2-3 hour event. Everyone just dug in and did whatever needed to be done. It was a surprise to see the Monday morning local newspaper. The packing event was the main story! They had a big picture along with a good story at the top of the front page! Next year, we hope to double the amount of food we can pack and get even more community involvement. We will see what the Lord has in store for us!
Christopher Arrives in the U.S.

Christopher standing in the truck. Now living in the U.S.!
Some of you know Christopher. He has been a good friend and effective translator for a lot of us while in Haiti. Chris got an opportunity to move to the States, so he put what he could in his backpack and made the trip. Gail and I are more than happy to have him live with us. He got a construction job within 3 days of being here! Also, he’s studying for his written drivers test along with going to night classes for his GED. He’s a busy man! We are proud of him.
Coloring on the boxes. (Newspaper reporter
in the background)

Clinic Roof

The ceiling in the clinic at Boukan Patriyo (Haitian Creole spelling) is coming down! Well, that’s on purpose though. Pastor Voix is removing it in order for us to put a new roof on the building. When I say roof, what we hoped to do was to put new tin over the wood that is in place. Like a lot of things in life, it won’t be that easy. We found out that the tin is supported by tree limbs, not lumber. Removing the old tin will more than likely destroy the tree limb framework. Plus, we can’t really put new tin on the existing structure. So, we find ourselves reaching out to you for help. We need an estimated $2,200 more in order to purchase the lumber needed to make the rafters. Please prayerfully consider coming along side us. This clinic serves some of the neediest people living in the Northwest.  
A lot of smiles!

Medical Trip in December

We are in the planning stages of a medical trip from December 1 through December 9 of this year. Doctors Neal and LeaAnn Schroeter along with Christopher and myself will be going to a hospital in La Pointe, which is located along the Northern coast of Haiti. After a few days there we will be headed to the clinic we are working with in Boukan Patriyo.

Jerry Lantz talking to the group after the packing of 20,000 meals!
In His Service,
Chuck & Gail Guerber

% Grace Hill Ministries
P.O. Box 171
Ironwood, MI  49938
USA:  715.258.2500
Haiti:  509.4753.0270

Loading up the packaged food.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

This Clinic Needs Help!

           Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 124:8

The clinic in Boucan Patriot that needs a new roof.
(a little paint would be nice, too!)

Gail and I thank the Lord for all of you and the support you have given us for the work He has us doing in Haiti. As Psalm 124:8 states, ‘Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth’.  We have learned that the Lord uses His people to accomplish His will. By letting Christ work through you, you have been a blessing to us and the Haitian people. The glory goes to God! His work through Gail and I is not finished. We ask for your prayers and support to be able to continue serving His people in Haiti.

Gail and Dr. Neal looking at the pharmacy
It’s been a while since I have written and we have a lot to share with everyone. There will be more updates to follow that will explain how He is moving us to continue working with His people in Haiti. This update would get way too long if it was all included here!

Dr. LeaAnn, seeing a patient in the clinic
As we move forward in the Lord, our first priority is in a village called Boucan Patriot. There is a small medical clinic (staffed with one nurse) that is in dire need of a new roof. This roof is beyond repair, it needs replacing. You may recall that this building is where a chicken fell through the roof right where Dr Neal was talking with a patient! We were all thankful it was only a chicken. We really can’t wait until something major happens and it collapses. This building also has plenty of space for not only the clinic but with a little more work, a nice living area for visitors or additional staff.  But the first need is for a roof!
Raymond, patient, Dr. LeaAnn, and Gail. Notice the hole
where the chicken fell through in the backround!
We have an estimate of $3,800 - $4,000 to replace it. Because of all the unsettledness in Haiti, these prices may jump higher. We have an experienced Haitian carpenter and crew ready and waiting to do the work. We feel that it is better, when possible, to use the local talent. With that being said, we need to raise the money in order to accomplish this. Please be in prayer about coming along side us in helping restore this clinic. Many people rely on this facility. Some would say that this clinic is in the middle of nowhere, and they would be right. There just isn’t much of an alternative for the people in this area. With your help, we hope to have a new roof put on before Dr’s Neal and LeaAnn go back the first part of December.

If you feel a desire to help in this project, or in supporting Gail and I in His work, donations can be sent to Grace Hill Ministries and to the address listed below. We are a 501(c)3 organization, so all your donations are tax deductable. Or, you can use the PayPal button and put in the remarks that these funds are for a new clinic roof or for ministry support. We thank you and give God the glory!

Stay tuned, there is much more we want to share with everyone! Our Lord is alive!

God bless,
Chuck & Gail Guerber
Grace Hill Ministries
P.O. Box 171
Ironwood, MI 49938

Phone: 906.285.2500
Haitian Phone:  509.4753.0270