Yesterday we attended church in Ti Parade. Pastor Etienne's message was from Matthew 3 and how John the Baptist was a common man but called great by Jesus. The things of this world did not make John the Baptist great. He was poor, clothed in camel hair and ate locus and honey. Not exactly what we, of this world, would call 'great'. But in God's eye, he was. Fantastic lesson to be learned.
Gail was asked to read from Scripture Matthew 3:1-10 in front of the church. She did a great job!
We had a good time meeting all that were in attendance. The church was really full, there were even people sitting on the cement floor. It's nice to see people giving praise to our God!
The rest of Sunday was relaxed. I think we all sort of needed a break. It got really hot in the afternoon.

Today Gail, Chuck, Ken, and Zoray (the interpreter) went to the market at Anse Rouge. We wanted to get a few vegetables and some fruit. But fruit was not going to be bought today. We couldn't find any, but being in this desert area, it's understandable. The market is a good hours drive away which in and of itself can wear you out. You get there on what they call a 'road', but calling it that is a bit of a stretch! Added to the drive was intense heat and the ever curious smell of the market. This afternoon Ken and Aaron started to wire the guest house. It will be nice to have the place wired!

A group of about 8 Haitian kids walked through the campus Saturday. Emily quickly grabbed the soccer ball and ran over to them. Before you knew it, a soccer game started! It didn't end well for Emily. Her flip-flop came off and she cut her foot on a rock. Ouch! So it's wrapped up and she's hobbling around. Thanks to John Filz, we were able to bring a bunch of crutches to Haiti last year. They came in handy today - thanks John! Dad and Arron did a good job of cleaning it out and she'll be fine. Praise God!
Steve, Terry, and Jim from Global Compassion Ministries left yesterday to deliver items to Linda B. further up into the Northwest. They also wanted to see a few other missionaries a few hours away. I'm not sure where they camped overnight, but will be anxiously waiting to hear! I hear their truck coming as I write this so I better finish up!
Thank you all for your prayers. We do need them. And know that we are praying for you also!
In His Service,
Chuck & Gail
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