
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Doctors Neal & LeaAnn Back in Haiti

Pastor Etienne, Fred, Neal, and LeaAnn
Luke 7:22

So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. 

We have been blessed with the visit of two doctors from Ironwood, Michigan this past week. Neal & LeaAnn Schroeter made yet another trip to Haiti to help the people and to serve our Lord. For those that don’t know, Neal is also our pastor! Our church is Range Community Bible Church in Hurley, WI. So it’s been an added blessing to have them here.

They came to give training and support to a nurse that is in a remote village a couple hours away from us in Boucan Patriot. This clinic is supported financially by Living Water Ministries. It was an added plus to have Fred Chalker, founder of Living Water Ministries, and Pastor Etienne come along on the trip.
Leaving for the 4 nights at the clinic

Doctor LeaAnn during the clinic
After arriving at the campus last Wednesday, we all had a relaxing evening before the trip to Boucan Patriot. It was great to be able to catch up with friends! Thursday, Neal, LeaAnn, Fred, Etienne and two interpreters (Raymond and Christopher) loaded up Pastor Etienne’s pickup for the two hour trek. They would be staying (camping) inside the clinic. They had to haul all their water along because the village doesn’t really have much, but that’s another story. Gail and I stayed back on the campus, mainly to pump water for the nearby village of Ti Anse. The group from Indiana built a cistern for the village and it feeds off our water supply and pump/generator. If we weren’t here, they would have run out of water! Staying back at the campus had nothing to do with the fact that I knew the group would be staying in very primitive conditions which would far exceed my camping enjoyment. Plus, with the lack of any medical skills on my part, I would have just gotten in the way.
Doctor Neal with a patient
I know they experienced many things while having the clinics, but I would like to point out one. To the best of my recollection, this is what I was told happened. It was about the second day of clinics and there had been a lot of ‘scratching’ sounds up in the ceiling. The consensus was that it was a rat (or rats). As most of you know, that wouldn’t be uncommon. This scratching sound was something that they had to deal with during the nights, too. So much to their surprise, while Neal was seeing a patient, the ceiling broke away and down plunked a chicken! Right in front of Christopher (a translator)! Needless to say, Christopher flew out of his chair about as fast as the chicken fell down. The next task was to catch this critter and get it out of the clinic. Once that was accomplished, everyone sat down and continued on.
I need to say that we didn’t completely abandon our friends while they were there. Gail and I drove up on Saturday and spent the night. We showed two movies to the community, The Hope and The Jesus movie for children. Sunday morning we went to the local church where Pastor Neal gave a great message with Pastor Etienne translating. After the service, we had a little jam with Neal on bass, me on guitar and Raymond on keyboards. It was fun and the people got a kick out of it!
Raymond, LeaAnn with a baby patient, and Gail. In the backround
you can see the hole in the ceiling where the chicken fell through!
While at the clinic, Neal & LeaAnn spent time with the nurse and patients. Not only helping the needs of the sick but also working with the nurse and helping educate her. Their meals were made by the pastor’s daughter and a few other local women. I can assure you, the food was fantastic! The best Haitian food I have tasted thus far.
Gail and I were really blessed with cushion covers that LeaAnn made for our couch and two chairs. She took measurements the last time they were here and while on the road with her work, made these fantastic covers! Now when we sit down, we don’t have that 'crunching' sound of plastic that was over the cushions. It feels like ‘real’ furniture now!
Pastor Neal giving the Sunday message with
Pastor Etienne interpreting
We would like to thank Neal, LeaAnn, Fred and Pastor Etienne for their time here this past week. We look forward to a continued relationship with all of them here in Haiti. They have a heart for the people and a passion for the gospel. We wish all safe travels back to their homes and families. May God bless you.

In His Service
Chuck & Gail
Ti Lagon, Haiti

Our new cushion covers! Thanks LeaAnn!

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