
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

More Help Is Needed

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12

 November 30, 2016

Unloading food at Miriam's
As I sat down in front of my computer I found myself hesitating to even write this update. I have been successfully putting it off for about a week now. I keep asking myself, how much do people really want to hear about delivering food in Haiti..... yet again? It seems that it's all I have been writing about, but then again, it's what our Lord has me helping with.
Once I came to the realization that there are ministries being blessed, people being nourished, and the gospel of Jesus Christ being given, I realized it does matter! So I write.
John and Ricky (foreground) sweating it out! 

Jerry Lantz and I returned from our last trip to Haiti November 19th. I believe it was our 3rd trip in about month and a half. Kids Against Hunger had another container clear customs and we needed to get it in the hands of ministries that would distribute it.
One of two schools we delivered food to
It doesn't make the news anymore, but the conditions in the mountains along the southern part of Haiti are tragic and have the possibilities of getting worse. We were able to spend an overnight at New Life 4 Kids (you may know it as Miriam's). Miriam, Ricky, John and a few others had just returned from where they work in the south of Haiti. Listening to them explain the situation was heart wrenching. They told of people dying daily due to the effects of starvation; old people being beaten for what little food they may have received; and dogs being the only means of food for many. Ninety percent of the homes are destroyed or severally damaged. Rain continuously falls on people with no roofs and no tarps.  About 100,000 people that call the mountains home are without aide. Knowing of the situation, they find it hard, if not impossible, to sleep at night. And no, this doesn't make the news. 
Inside one of the school rooms

Happy school children!
The second day we were in Haiti we delivered approximately 12 tons of food to Miriam's and another ministry that works in the south called Charis.  They will divide it up as they see fit. Both of these ministries are a huge blessing to the people living in the south. We know it's just a drop in the bucket and much more needs to be done. The situation and the human toll in the mountains is far reaching. Providing help and food at least for the next 4 to 6 months is vital in order to get the people beyond the hurricane to where they can get their gardens established again. Please be in prayer for these people!
The farthest we traveled on this trip was to Gonaives. No gravel roads! It was a blessing to meet new people and ministries in Gonaives. We delivered just under 50,000 meals to two schools and another 20,000 meals was given to an organization called 'Brace For Impact' that supports a children's home and others in Cap Haitian. They sent a truck to meet the food in Gonaives.

Loading food for Ellen's orphanage
Through Christ, we were able to deliver a total of 16 tons of food between 7 ministries, 1 orphanage, and 1 senior feeding program.  We continue to be blessed by being His hands and feet.
Again I ask, please be in prayer for His people that are struggling every day just to live.

'...The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective'.  James 5:16

In His Service,
Don't try this at home!
Chuck & Gail

Chuck & Gail Guerber
% Grace Hill Ministries
P.O. Box 171
Ironwood, MI  49938
USA: 906.285.2500
Haiti:  509.4753.0270 

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