
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Food Distribution

Loading the truck with meals
 The quarterly food distribution held last week went well. There were 7 villages that received 'Kids Against Hunger' meals. Each family got one case of food which consisted of 216 meals. It's intended to be a supplement to what they currently eat. Each meal also has added nutritional value to it.

Global Compassion Ministries delivered meals to three villages by truck. Three other villages came by boat, and one village by donkey. It took 2 days to get all the meals to the village that came by donkey. It was about a 4 hour, one way walk for them.

About 16 donkeys were used to carry food
As the food was delivered, Karl Leiber gave the Gospel message. Karl is a great speaker and loves to share Jesus with all!

The solar oven that Karl and Ken put together is about ready for it's first loaf of bread. We still need to build a stand for it, but once that's accomplished, in goes the dough!

Karl sharing the Gospel before food distribution
The guys from Global Compassion - Karl, Jerry, Danny, and Christopher their interpreter, left to go back to Port au Prince Thursday morning. George Truelove headed back further north to his home here in Haiti. It was great to be around such Godly men! By the Grace of God, they all have arrived back home safely and without a hitch. That leaves just the four of us here for now. Ken has been working on a chicken coop and I have been fencing a pasture area for the goats. I have a Haitian man working with me and it's been interesting! He's a great guy and one of the few from the village that can read. He has a very ripped up Haitian Creole NT Bible which we hope to replace soon.

We are awaiting the arrival of the two couples from our church back in Hurley, WI along with Fred Chalker, the head of Living Water Ministries, and Etienne, a solid Haitian pastor. They are scheduled to be in the northwest Thursday afternoon. We look forward to their arrival.
Working on the pedestal for the solar oven

We had a trial run of using Skype to speak with the Junior and Senior High Sunday School class at our church back home. It worked great! They had questions prepared and we were able to speak with them for about 20 minutes! I was glad to see that it didn't use a lot of data from our phone to do it either. We look forward to many more Skype conversations with them and any group or Sunday School class that would like to visit Haiti live.....via Skype.

Ti An and Gail (Ti An normally has a smile!)
We thank you for your prayers. Haiti can be a tough place and we appreciate all the prayer support you provide. May the Lord shine His light upon you always!

In His Service,
Chuck & Gail

1 comment:

  1. What a great job you all are doing over there... Gail you are one strong women love ya....
