
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Global Compassion Ministries Return to Port au Prince

A generous person will prosper;
Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

New house for a pastor
    It’s been an amazing few weeks with Global Compassion Ministries here in Northwest Haiti. They left to go back to Port au Prince early this morning. Our prayer is that they have an uneventful trip back home. There is no way I can write all the great memories, blessings, and fellowship that was created, but here are some of the highlights.
Community helping with the house
    Each day started with a time of devotion. It was a blessing to listen to those that shared and taught. While Tom led the music, I tried to sing, but it was too early in the morning for my voice (ok, I can’t sing in the afternoon either, but the ‘early morning’ gave me an excuse ;)  
New Pastor’s House 
    For approximately the past 18 months, the pastor in a nearby village of Ti Anse has not had a house. He has been living with a family in the village. I should add he is also the director of the school. I can only imagine how hard that living arrangement has been. 
Food at the work site
    The church family really came out to help! Ladies and children carried rocks for the foundation while the men dug the footings. Block walls were made and the roof put on. Lastly, doors and window shutters were made and installed. It was a great joint effort of North Americans and Haitians. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of the finished house to show you.
    Many days, Vicky made lunch and took it to the job site for the Global workers while a local lady made lunch for the village help. All enjoyed each other’s company. Most days there were many kids running around the work site. Vicky made sure to make enough food so all got a nutritious meal. No one in the area went hungry!


Larry's baptism

Sundays are a more relaxed day. After lunch this past Sunday, Larry Pagoria told Terry Estes that he would like to be baptized. So at 2:00 in the afternoon, we all headed to the beach to witness Larry’s commitment to Jesus. It was a beautiful event.

Ladies Ministry

The ladies were always going places with the VBS, crafts, and women’s ministry. From my understanding, the women’s ministry was a huge success. We pray that others will follow in their footsteps and come here to the northwest and minister to the ladies. School children enjoyed their crafts and bible stories. The ladies poured themselves out in ministry. Thank you Jesus!

Ti Rivere Water Project
Children's ministry

Living Water Ministry worked along with Global Compassion Ministry in getting water close to a village in need. The village is about 45 minutes away from the campus via the ‘short cut’. Otherwise, it takes much longer. The ‘short cut’ is not for the faint of heart, but the seasoned drivers from Global and Living Water had no problem navigating it. They are in the process of capping a small spring and running it into a cistern about 100 yards away. It will then be piped approximately a mile to the church. People will be able to freely come to the church yard and get water. What a blessing it will be! The spring has been dug lower and capped, the cistern foundation has been poured and most of the pipe laid. The people are anxiously awaiting the water!
Leaving campus to go home
    As the group packed up yesterday and left this morning, we can only thank our Lord Jesus Christ for each and every one of them and their families. They have left job, home, and family to come to this remote area of Haiti and work for the Lord. Through their efforts, people were blessed and hearts were changed as the Lord worked through them. And all the glory goes to God.

We look forward to their return…..

In His Service,
Chuck & Gail Guerber
Ti Lagon, Haiti

Everyone ate that showed up at the job site
Bruce doing strenuous work

Terry waiting for a waitress?

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