
Monday, March 23, 2015

Jacob's Garden

As it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”  2 Corinthians 8:15

 Jacob’s Garden
Jacob in the garden
After experiencing two futile attempts at growing a garden, I spoke to Jacob, one of the men that work here on the campus, about taking it over. He was excited about the possibilities! We had an agreement that he would do the gardening and I would supply the land, fenced area, and water. We shook hands and he went to work on it. Within a few days, I realized we had a miscommunication (can you imagine having miscommunication in Haiti?!!) I was under the impression that I would pump water and provide them with all the water they needed. Jacob took it as I would do all the watering. Oh well, I ended up doing the daily watering for a few months. Jacob did a fine job of planting it and weeding it twice.
The garden produced a nice crop of melons, peas, and will eventually produce corn. The corn is looking ok but not ready to be harvested. Gail and I had a couple melons out of it which were pretty good. But the garden wasn’t for us, it was for Jacob, because he has a large family. This garden will go a long way in helping him feed his wife and children. But when it comes time to replant, we will readdress the issue of who is going to do the watering!

HIV Still a Big Problem
Gail with girls before the clinic
A few weeks ago there was a mobile clinic that came through the village which tested for HIV. This is still a big problem here. The picture of Gail and the girls was taken before they went into the clinic. The girls were scared and didn’t want to be tested. Gail, being the forever mother that she is, comforted them and gave them assurance that it would be ok. Gail literally had to walk through the clinic with these girls mom in order to be sure they were all tested. They did not want to do it. By the grace of God, none of them tested positive! Thank you Jesus!
 Z’Orange, Haiti

Spending time with the children at the orphanage in Z'Orange
We were privileged to be able to spend time with Chuck Martindale and the group he had up in Z’Orange, Haiti a couple weeks ago. The group was fantastic! These folks used their spring break to serve the Lord. It was fun to be around. They were busy with various medical clinics along with VBS. Never a dull moment! Gail and I took a group up to the orphanage on the hill. They exchanged singing of songs which was very touching. They also told a great bible story followed by crafts. It was a blessing to see the interaction with the children.
Back in the Northwest

Indiana group having a meal after arriving at the campus
We arrived back home, here in Ti Lagon, a week ago last Wednesday. We had a couple days to clean and get ready for a group from Indiana. They arrived a week ago last Sunday and left the campus yesterday. As of this writing, they should be on the plane home! We pray for safe travels.
It was a busy, work filled week for them here. The group went to various villages, did medical clinics and VBS. They stayed overnight inside a clinic about 2 ½ hours away. I give them a lot of credit. It’s hard enough living in Haiti without adding a camping experience to it! They were a blessing to have around!

Mennonite Nursery
Nelson Shrock showing us their tree nursery

During the past week we were fortunate to spend time with Mike Burns. Mike has a heart for missions and has made numerous trips to Haiti. He is spending an additional week in Haiti traveling to different areas to see where the Lord can best utilize him.

Gail and I took him to see the nursery that the Mennonite’s have. It's a little over an hour’s drive from here via the short cut. Nelson Shrock gave us a tour of their facility and the various projects he is working on. It was very informative. We then were invited for lunch where we met the others living on their compound. A big ‘Thank You’ goes out to Nelson and his hospitality!

Our Pastor and His Wife

We are now looking forward to our pastor and his wife coming here this Wednesday. For those that don’t know, he and his wife are both medical doctors with vast amounts of mission experience. They will primarily be working with the clinic, that Living Water Ministries built and supports, about 2 ½ hours away from the campus. Their plan is to spend 4 nights there.
Thank You!
We are so grateful to all of you! It is through your prayers and generosity that the work the Lord has us doing here in Haiti can be accomplished. May God bless you!

In His Service,
Chuck & Gail
Ti Lagon, Haiti

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